Ali Aljounde
Älmhult art trail 2020
Ali Al Jounde, born and raised in Salamiyah, Syria. since I was a child, I was always interested in art, I started practicing different styles of art, such as realism, surrealism, and modernism. in my teen years, I started participating in an exhibition with other artists or held my own exhibitions. I continued pursuing my interest in art, however in graphic design, since it was the only option that would generate enough money for me to start a family. After the Revolution started in 2011 in Syria, which later turned into a civil war, my family and I were forced to flee the country to Lebanon, I’ve tried my best to start a life in Lebanon with the hope that we will return shortly, however the situation in Syria only got worse, and the treatment of Syrian refugees in Lebanon was not the best. so, I took the only option I have for the sake of my family and myself, and that was coming to Sweden. On the 8th of July 2014, I arrived in Sweden I immediately restarted my passion for art, so I started practicing oil and acrylic painting so I can refresh my memory and skills. I was lucky enough to be able to hold various exhibitions in different cities but mainly in Älmhult. My inspiration was my memories in Syria and the life and journey of Syrian refugee. Though my art I communicate different and opposing ideas, such as beauty and struggle, fantasies and harsh realties Art helped throughout my journey in Sweden, at some point I lived by myself and I did not speak Swedish, but I was able to express my emotions and communicate my ideas through my paintings. Art is way to tell my story and the stories of my fellow refugees. Art is the window to my fantasy, and it makes me notice the beauty in the details.

Is exhibiting at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan
- Painter
Nr 5
- 29 – 30 Aug
- 11:00 – 17:00